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Churchill at War Review 2024 Tv Show Series Cast Crew Online
I enjoyed the series while also recognising that it isn’t everything that it could have been.
In terms of narrative, it faithfully hits all the major plot points of the Second World War. Though the pundits and ‘live action recreations’ are sometimes a hit, sometimes a miss.
The recolourised archival footage is truly spectacular. It brings the war from the myth of history to a lived human experience.
This is particularly relevant now. Democratic decline is a rising tide. One that we are only beginning to wrestle with (even outside obvious examples). Appeasement in the face of imperialist aggression is spoken of as the lesser evil. These are dangerous waters and they are not new. History must be understood if it is not to be repeated.
This is why I forgive the show for it’s inclusion of politicians. Even those who probably have no right to be there.
The link that it makes from the past to the present (aided through colour footage) is enough for me to view their inclusion as having value.
Is the show a masterpiece? No. Did I enjoy it as someone with an interest in history. I did indeed.