Michela Giraud
Hollywood Movies Review Netflix

Michela Giraud: The Truth, I Swear 2022 Movie Review Poster Trailer Online

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Michela Giraud: The Truth, I Swear 2022 Movie Review Poster Trailer Online

We all have one historya gigantic baggage of experiences And memories that we carry with us, with an almost infinite capacity. This baggage outlines us, draws the person we currently are, who we once were, and who we could come to be. It could almost be said that the human being in itself is nothing other than the set of external interactions that he had with his neighbor and with all the other elements to compose society and its context of belonging. Why such a reflection? Simple, because it’s good to keep all of this in mind before tackling ours review Of Michela Giraud: the truth, I swear!new show (stand up comedy) by the well-known Italian comedian, coming to the catalog Netflix starting from this 6 Of April. Work that is immediately linked to its own title as regards the pre-eminent content, drawing between jumps, chases and verbal pirouettes (and not only) what was the story of this woman, starting from a direct and intimate point of view.

Actually to talk about Michela Giraud: the truth, I swear! Fortunately, there is no need at all know the comic itself and all its previous projects and works. In summary, as we have also written above, it is a show in which Michela herself it’s said and tells us about our self historical period, obviously making references to herself and to what her personal life experiences have been. The charm of the whole representation lies precisely in the “way” in which he tells every single anecdote connecting it to the past and the present, inlaid it with one enthralling comic verve from start to finish. His is an approach that becomes light from the very first moments, establishing a relationship direct both with the audience in the theater and with the spectators watching everything from home.

The exhibition, in fact, starting from some dynamics of our present, sweeps very much, even touching delicate elements impossible to ignore. The comic story is always and in any case reflection direct and foul-mouthed with a present that is even too much “respectable “ for some things. Whether it’s work, the success you have achieved as a comedian, the stereotypes that try to lock up women in society at all costs, labels Of genus feel-good but still commercial (Curvy is an example), to then move to completely different shores such as childhood and adolescence, with a single element constantly present, as well as the key to the main reading of everything: she.

Michela Giraud: the truth, I swear it therefore offers to the viewer two fundamental elements, namely one direct comedy And uncorrectbut also lightand – as you will read shortly in the review – a intimism hovering above simple fun. The main gift of this comic, in fact, lies in the agility with which she can easily move from one topic to another, always carrying all the previous reflections with her. Furthermore the sincerity of which the title mentions is more than present, even touching completely unexpected chords, especially when it comes to family and acceptance of oneself in relation to one’s neighbor.

In conclusion, we would like to warmly recommend this comedy show of one hour, one hour “chat” with Michela herself made of continuos “Up and down”, of flights, reflections, laughter and a lot of self-awareness. Almost a meeting in which all the inconsistencies of the case are continuously reformulated and thrown away. Lightness continues to always dominate it from start to finish, don’t get it wrong, but it is still a lightness inlaid by reflections to elevate its value. Not random words and fun, but a row thematic that continues to drag you away without you realizing it.

Michela Giraud: The Truth, I Swear 2022 Movie Review Poster Trailer Online
