That Christmas
Hollywood Movies Review Netflix

That Christmas 2024 Movie Review

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That Christmas 2024 Movie Review

This will be available for all on Netflix from the 4th of December i believe.

I’ve just watched this at the premiere and its beautifully made and perfect for watching with the family to leave you all with that super feel good factor.

Lovely storytelling, quick, witty and heart warming.

The focus is on a small town in the UK by the sea side, which has a small community, all with their own sadness’s and mini back stories. The lighthouse man played by Bill is also focused on and he comes across old and in his ways of tradition of the town on what is done annual building up to the end of the year and how this year it seems to all be going wrong for him too.

I wont get any further into it but the story quickly picks up place and explodes with life and most importantly warmth and love.
