All-Time High Review 2023 Tv Show
Hollywood Netflix Tv Show Review

All-Time High Review 2023 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online

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All-Time High Review 2023 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online

That was a tough thing to endure from the very first minute, though it had some small funny moments that deserve some credit, and even some view of those particular moments, but the movie as a whole is a messy wreck. The complicated love story revolving a loud, showy and talkative mess of a con-man (Nassim Lyes) with a more experienced person in the field (Zoé Marchal) and how they end up facing the same enemy, a dangerous guy involved in gambling, and how at times this couple might suspect each other of pulling up a con against one another. And if there’s a con involved in the 21st century, then it’s all about cryptocurrency, baby!

“All-Time High” goes way too fast, way too talkative with characters throwing lots of unfunny lines at each other non-stop and most of the time just creating chaos and confusion and shouting at each other. Early on, when the guy meets Adele Exarchopoulos (playing herself), she and her friends keep telling him that’s his giving them a headache. They were so right. A man in that kind of business of cheating and scamming people cannot go in such a flashy and careless way, awfully loud and unfunny to succeed at something. Plus: he keeps telling Stephanie, his new mate, that she’s ugly. Well, here’s a totally unattractive guy who gets a pass since (as she says in one scene) his body is sick and the movie keeps telling us that the good-looking women fall for him because of his humor and jokes.

Besides the hurry in presenting countless things to audiences, either funny moments or throwing lots of unbelievable moments, we have an overdose of overdesigned action sequences that fail to engage, to excite or to even feel humored about them. The idea of showing things as if everybody is punching and kicking each otherand moving around in one continous take is idiotic and anyone can see that there are thousands of editings in those sequences, since digital allows such things and plus, it was all ugly and excessively made that one may laugh at the absurdity of it all with the guy throwing gym equipments at the henchmen heads like it’s nothing.

But I’ll say this: the playful fight between the couple that later on becomes a sex scene where they tease each other with their fetish things is hilarious. While we don’t see much of what happens since the shots are focused on the actors faces, the exchange between the duo is funny as hell.

Less demanding minds will find some enjoyment with this, maybe. I certainly was mostly annoyed and couldn’t wait for its ending – which I kinda liked it. All I’ve seen was a poorly made film in all possible ways, trying so hard to be funny or even romantic and thrilling. Too much ambition can leave you empty handed and this is a solid proof. 3/10.

All-Time High Review 2023 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online
