Files of the Unexplained Review 2024 Tv Show
Hollywood Tv Show Review

Files of the Unexplained Review 2024 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online

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Files of the Unexplained Review 2024 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online

As someone who grew up during the late 80s and early 90s, shows like Unsolved Mysteries, In Search of, The Extraordinary etc. Were unavoidable.

Personally, I always gravitated to the more ‘out there’ segments – the Lonnie Zamora incident, Kecksberg UFO crash, Gulf Breeze sightings and anything that drifted into territory considered bizarre. True-crime cases can be equal parts fascinating and horrifying, but nothing wormed its way into my brain quite like the fear of those few truly strange incidents that could not be fully explained – and I’ve stayed that way ever since.

Throw in a few anomalous experiences through life, and you have an example of the perfect target audience for this new series. I’ve always said ‘give me Unsolved Mysteries without the murder cases’ and this is essentially that. I understand and respect that some folks have the entirely opposite opinion, where they want more crime and less ‘woo’, but to be fair Netflix has big budget crime content by the ton. This simply balances the scales a tiny bit.

Nobody is asking you to believe without evidence, or to watch this and change your world-view. I feel like all that’s being asked is that people give it a chance without negative preconceptions. Even if you don’t believe those retelling their experiences, it seems clear to me that the vast majority of the witnesses are at least sincere in believing what they’re saying to be truthful.

Folks like Terry Lovelace (EP4) have told their story with deep conviction so many times now without a single contradiction or stumble on the detailed timeline of alleged events. Either it happened, or the former Assistant Attorney General of Vermont (yes, Terry was the Asst. AG) retired only to apparently throw away his credibility by confessing about his encounter with the unknown.

This will be polarising, and that’s fine. I consider myself a true skeptic, where I find these topics interesting and worthy of discussion, but won’t assert extraordinary claims without the required evidence. Until that evidence comes, such stories and conversation make for great, thought-provoking entertainment.

Files of the Unexplained Review 2024 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online
