Grimsburg Review 2024 Tv Show
Hollywood Tv Show Review

Grimsburg Review 2024 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online

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Grimsburg Review 2024 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online

FYI, this animation has been greenlit for it’s 2nd season before the pilot even aired. Some exec must have thought this is a guaranteed hit. It’s not.

This animation is really hard to like, even if you’re a Jon fan. There’s just not enough substance here and I was unable to finish the pilot episode, mostly because it starts off with some good ol’ toilet humor. (This stuff hasn’t been funny for 4 decades.)

Some of the other characters are alright, I guess, but then there’s a cringe robot who is just extremely annoying.

I looked up the Reddit thread for this as well as a New York Times post on this series and most other people are saying it’s a shot and a miss.

I guess when Jon is an executive producer on his own show he can generate enough interest for the studio to give him a golden ticket for a 2nd season. This is unreal, and I wonder if there is an early termination clause to the contract. Reminds me of an pro basketball team selecting a player for the draft, spend millions on his contract and then find out he’s constantly eating hamburgers in New Orleans, overweight and without conscience.

Grimsburg Review 2024 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online
