Lover, Stalker, Killer 2024 Movie Review
Hollywood Movies Review Netflix

Lover, Stalker, Killer 2024 Movie Review

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Lover, Stalker, Killer 2024 Movie Review

So when I watch one of these modern documentaries I’ll always scrub thru the initial 30-120 seconds as 85 percent of the time, it’s material we’ll see within the documentary proper, that’s used as a teaser or preview (which is rediculous if we’re already pressing play, although allow me to elucidate the criterium upon which Netflix considers a file viewed :TWO minutes, after which time they can count it as viewed in its entirety and it’ll count later on for licensing or selling to another platform as well as the residuals and financial obligations for the artists involved etc), now I don’t tell you this for any reason that applies to my review, just so you guys know to a) ffw thru spoilers and b) the metrics of the studios (which usually benefit themselves)

As for the film, my first thought is, when did these documentaries begin with the gutteral horror film music the visceral chittering and grim violins and become so HEAVILY produced with this reek of entertainment over say, education or information? Sensationalized and imo, disrespectful and detrimental to those who remain, the collateral humanity that bears the pain of loss and the grief of a traumatic death – I don’t know what it says about us that we keep making and consuming this content and albeit hypocritical I know, although I no longer will watch a film/series in which the criminal or accused, is allowed (and compensated) for thier anecdotes – but that’s a personal choice of which, more and more I’m limiting what I expose myself to for better or worse, for noble or deluded reasons I don’t know – Finally on the film itself, with documentaries it’s so difficult to know what metrics to review or opine on, cause do u focus on the subject matter (which is the story the filmmaker chose to make, and is entirely subjective to them) or the technical merits of the film proper? In this case I’ll focus on the latter – where I’ve already whinged about how over produced it is, I have to admit that it also lends a professional air to it so… Anyway that’s my pair of pennies without continuing to ramble

although I’d like to add, I would like you to bear in mind that these detectives are posing for and reinacting for this B role of them at work – this is very telling imo // also come on, this ultimately was obvious, the police did thier jobs in this instance and got lucky with evidence , not “chess when the others playing checkers” for the love of all the fish and apricots.

Lover, Stalker, Killer 2024 Movie Review
