Missing The Lucie Blackman Case 2023 Movie Review
Hollywood Movies Review Netflix

Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case 2023 Movie Review

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Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case 2023 Movie Review

This is obviously a tragic case, the anguish and desperation are perfectly understandable.

However, the attitude? Why do British nationals so often behave like this in an international setting? From British journalists throwing stereotypical comments about another culture, to Tim Blackman’s disrespect and antagonistic attitude to random Japanese people/cops who are just trying to go about their lives. Again, it’s a serious case, and it’s understandable standard behavior is out-of-the-window here, but trying to stick your posters anywhere then giving an officer a hard time for nicely telling him not to?

Imagine a foreigner who made a scene in London after their hostess daughter went missing. They then tried to stick posters everywhere downtown, then their entourage of journalists/friends throw stereotypical comments like “oh you know the Brits, they may seem reserved, but there’s a dark side under the belly,” sneering at the police instead of trying to engage with them first, exhibiting boorish behavior… they might be tackled to the ground forthwith, let alone being given big platforms to present their case to the media with many locals trying their utmost to be helpful.

Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case 2023 Movie Review
