Polo Morin Broke The Silence Publicly On His Homosexuality Hollywoodgossip
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Polo Morin Broke The Silence Publicly On His Homosexuality | Hollywoodgossip

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Polo Morin Broke The Silence Publicly On His Homosexuality Hollywoodgossip

And why is confirmation needed? Many would say.

Polo Morin Broke The Silence Publicly On His Homosexuality | Hollywoodgossip

And is that for a while Polo Morín’s sexual orientation has ceased to be a secret, although the Mexican actor has not declared it textually and publicly.

In December 2016, a hacker disclosed personal photographs of Polo and her boyfriend, Lambda García , that were taken during a trip to Europe. There they could be seen kissing and giving each other gifts. From that moment, both decided to stop posting pictures together on social networks, something that was already customary and that for many was a sign of friendship.

Recently and for the first time, Polo spoke with the media about his homosexuality, and as he explains it, it is something he has never hidden …

“What happened in my case is that I no longer have anything to hide at all and then I live the truth much happier, much calmer, I am 100%, I always was, but always with these mieditos to say ‘Uy What will happen when people know this, what will happen when people know this? “Said Morin in an interview with the program Firsthand .

Polo , who does not skimp on letting his followers know about his experiences with Lambda, directly or indirectly, says that now he is doing better: “And now I live 100% today and I learned that if people love you will want just as you are, and that is rather the message I try to give now. ”

He also said that the decision to live like this has allowed him to have more closeness with his audience and with his fans because “they know who I am, they know how I am, they know what I like, what I do not like”.

Polo Morin Broke The Silence Publicly On His Homosexuality Hollywoodgossip

Regarding the family process, he said: “It has united us even more.”


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Polo Morin Broke The Silence Publicly On His Homosexuality Hollywoodgossip
