Caught by a Wave 2021 Movie Review
Hollywood Movies Review Netflix

Caught by a Wave 2021 Movie Review Poster Trailer Online

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Caught by a Wave 2021 Movie Review Poster Trailer Online

A marvel in the silverscreen world, if with another director, or with a different screenplay, or simply by using another main cast, because something went really wrong in a kind of genre that usually hits the homerun whatever…

its an italian love you till death, coming of age romance drama, with extremely good looking young actors, in a extremely beautiful filming locations near palermo ( that agonizes me alot because this is the time of the year i usually do a medical rehabilitation trip to warmer latutudes e.g. Gran canaria , and i cant travel anywhere due to corona) , and most of all its a film about how to say arrivederci in an extremely slow tempo, without the typical italian verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. The caracterbuilding is also slippery when wet and the split enz relationships are pretty complicated.

The health issue isnt cancer this time, its a nevromuscular dystrofi that is the silent slowly developing death sentence in this flick. So its easy to summarize, it misses the target due to untrained castmaterial, and the storys plotted terribly amateuristic. Even though some good scenery filming, and clear blue sky and perfect sailing conditions its not good sore and yet forgotten by the grumpy old man.

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Caught by a Wave 2021 Movie Review Poster Trailer Online
