Fit for a Prince 2021 Movie
Hollywood Movies Review

Fit for a Prince 2021 Movie Review Poster Trailer Online

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Fit for a Prince 2021 Movie Review Poster Trailer Online

Director: Marita Grabiak

Writer: T. Booker James

Stars: Jonathan Keltz, Natalie Hall, Rebecca Lamarche

I’m not a fan of royal romance movies although I find some OK where the lead woman is a princess and the man is the commoner. I find it interesting that 2 years ago Natalie Hall did a Hallmark movie where she was the princess and now she is the commoner.

I hated this from the start. The writers went out of their way to draw Cinderella parallels even to the point of calling her Cindy Cordella (not exactly sure of spelling on last name). There were other obvious references also. So you have a pretty good idea how the story is going to go and being Hallmark, you know that every detail will work out for HEA.

I have to admit, there were a few good one on one moments and a couple of minor surprises. I liked what they did with the t-shirts. And Brooke’s parting line to the Prince was clever. But I spent more moments cringing than liking.

Other reviewers have rightly noted the idiocy of putting your rack of expensive dresses practically on top of the chocolate fountain and of eating pizza practically at the same time and workspace as sewing the dresses. And this is another movie where the lead with no knowledge or experience in the super-skill task can actually help do in one night what it took 3 skilled people do in 2 weeks.

Fit for a Prince 2021 Movie Review Poster Trailer Online
