Hollywood Netflix Tv Show Review

Intimacy Review 2022 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online

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Intimacy Review 2022 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online

We then go to city hall in Bilbao, a coastal city in Northern Spain. Deputy Mayor Malen Zubiri (Itziar Ituño) is an up-and-coming politician, and her party’s choice to run for mayor in the next election. Then, as she leaves the office, she sees a leaked video of herself having sex on a beach with a man who is not her husband.

While humiliating, Malen doesn’t think that this should cost her her job or the campaign. She and her husband Alfredo have been living separate lives for awhile, though they’ve kept that from their daughter Leire (Yune Nogueiras). This is despite the fact that she‘s the victim, her privacy violated by Cesar (Eduardo Lloveras), an old flame whom she was with in that video on a holiday in France, or someone using him to bring her down.

In the meantime, pressure mounts on her, her family and her party. Reporters and cameras get in Leire’s face, prompting Malen to grab her before she assaults a photographer. And in meetings with her party, everyone, including Miren (Emma Suárez), the party leader, want her to resign and drop out of the race.

We also see a teacher named Bego (Patricia López Arnaiz) called to the morgue to identify the body of her younger sister Ane (Verónica Echegui). Ane was found floating in the bay, with no signs of foul play and her shoes on the beach. She’s the woman that was floating in the water, and she didn’t even tell Bego, who is not only her sister but roommate and best friend, that she was having suicidal thoughts.

Inspector Alicia Vazquez (Ana Wagener), who is in charge of the Bilabo police’s IT crimes division, is interested in pursuing Malen’s case, but Malen just wants it to go away. Alicia also calls in Bego, who crosses paths with Malen at the police station; one of the coworkers at the factory where Ane worked said that there were intimate photos of Ane passed around the factory, which led her to become distraught in recent months.

The next day, with Malen about to read her resignation speech to the press, Bego intercepts her at city hall and asks her to help figure out who leaked the intimate photos of her sister, sending Malen on a completely new path in her political career.

Written by Veronica Fernandez and Laura Sarmiento, Intimacy makes a strong case that the status quo of how a victim of a privacy breach should just slink away in humiliation is not only old fashioned, but dangerous. Malen is the representative of those who have fought against such violations and emerged stronger, dating all the way back to when Vanessa Williams resigned her Miss America crown over leaked nude photos.

The storytelling method that Fernandez and Sarmiento use here might seem muddled at first, going back and forth between the present and the past for both Malen and Bego. But it’s worth exploring the root of Malen and Cesar’s holiday in France; it doesn’t seem like just a fling, which would make Malen’s bewilderment at how this went down have more emotional punch. And seeing how Ane’s life was made a living hell after her photos leaked will also have an impact.

It’s also illustrative to show that this problem can happen to anyone, whether it’s a high-profile politician or a factory worker. And the fact that Alicia is trying to investigate both cases with equal rigor shows that squashing privacy breaches like this are important on all levels.

Will things get more muddled as we go on? Perhaps. But once we see just how all of this plays out, in the present and the recent past, we’re thinking that it’ll coalesce into a tale of how we all need to intensely protect our privacy these days.

Intimacy Review 2022 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online
