Sayen 2023 Movie
Hollywood Movies Review

Sayen 2023 Movie Review

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Sayen 2023 Movie Review

Sayen is a movie about a Chilean native tribe called the Mapuche living in balance with their world of mountains and forest. It’s full of lovely scences but the native lands sit atop a large deposit of cobalt. If you’ve paid enough attention to modern events and are in the habit of self education then you might know that cobalt is a relatively rare mineral that is much in demand. It’s a key material for electrni devices like computers, smart phones, etc. It’s mainly used for manufacturing the batteries that our world’s small devices run on.

As such mega corporations are willing to do about any corrupt thing to gain possession of cobalt lands. Sayen is about this kind of corruption. The movie is well acted and direct, no wasted effort, some basic dramatic action and violence. But mining cobalt has itself involved violence and death in real life. Most decent companies are moving away from cobalt and researching the more efficient use of lithium for batteries these days. It’s a good direction since lithium is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and obtainable in many places and relatively cheaper than cobalt.

I recommend watching Sayen if you like good movies, like a quick example of the cobalt situation or like learning to open your mind. It’s a better movie than most of the trash Hollywood creates.

Sayen 2023 Movie Review
