Hollywood Netflix Tv Show Review

Stories of a Generation – with Pope Francis Review 2021 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online

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Stories of a Generation – with Pope Francis Review 2021 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online

There is an essential point that we want to underline in this ours review of Stories of a Generation with Pope Francis and concerns the important name present since the title of the docuserie Netflix: despite being the award-winning book Sharing the Wisdom of Time, written by Pope Francis by Antonio Spadaro, the source of inspiration for Simona Ercolani’s work, the value of the speech carried out by Stories of a Generation it is not limited to the contribution of the pontiff, but proves interesting for how it knows how to concentrate on the stories it tells, whether it is the ethologist Jane Goodall, the director Martin Scorsese or less prominent characters whose contribution is no less preponderant in the economy of the message that you want to convey.

Love, dreams, struggle, work. Four major themes for as many episodes that collect the stories, experiences and testimonies of women and men over 70, but observed from an original and unprecedented point of view: that of young filmmakers under 30 who are dedicated to them for a year of shooting . There are eighteen stories collected in the four episodes, eighteen figures that are told, from famous people like Martin Scorsese to everyday heroes who have been less in the spotlight, from different social statuses, from different cultures and ethnicities and from every continent, to show the universality of these values ​​around which the discourse is built. Figures that can represent a teaching with their own life experiences.

Precisely because of this last aspect, the point of view adopted acquires greater value, the young gaze that filters the stories that are proposed to us, to ensure that the life experiences that are told to us have a value as sources of inspiration or models to follow. However, everything is collected and packaged with the precious foresight of not letting go of a didactic and affected intent, encouraging the exchange and the bond between the generations: the many experiences are shown and witnessed, combined with each other and offered to the public with honesty. and humanity, with the intention of constructing a more complex and complete discourse than a simple proposal of edifying models.

We warned at the beginning about not being distracted by the name of the pontiff in the title Stories of a Generation with Pope Francis, but it would also be wrong not to consider the added value provided by his participation, concentrated in a conversation with his trusted advisor Antonio Spadaro , which acts as a leitmotif for the stories present in each of the episodes. His contribution is twofold, as Pope and spiritual guide, but perhaps even more so as Jorge Maria Bergoglio, or as the human being behind his religious role: in telling his own experiences, memories and anecdotes, he manages to reach even the least involved spectators from a religious point of view, giving greater prominence and evidence to the reach of his words and thoughts.

At the end of the review of Stories of a Generation with Pope Francis, we can only reiterate the balance with which Simona Ercolani built the Netflix docu series by proposing on the one hand the stories and experiences of the eighteen figures at the center of the four episodes, on the other. the conversation with Bergoglio which acts as a common thread between them. The point of view adopted is as original as it is important, those of young filmmakers under 30 who look to the over 70s in an ideal and desirable bridge and link between different generations.

Stories of a Generation – with Pope Francis Review 2021 Tv Show Series Season Cast Crew Online
